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#cuidarte is a statute

#cuidarte is a statute

On 1 January 2022, while the world was celebrating the new year, here we celebrated the entry into force of the Statute. A system that guarantees access to social protection and contributory schemes for cultural professionals.

In response to the challenge to create the visual identity and institutional communication, #cuidarte é Estatuto was the motto to tell a story that would give the stage to many voices, from the performing arts, audiovisual, visual arts and literary creation.

Overall, this project included the development of a multichannel campaign that included visual design, radio, television and content for social networks, culminating with the launch of the microsite, where professionals can register their application for support, as well as clarify any doubts about the respective conditions for access.

Also in terms of identity, this assumes a simple language, impactful and visually balanced, passing a clear message about the purpose of the Statute: Protecting Cultural Professionals and caring for art, an asset that belongs to all of us.



Ministério da Cultura