The city of Coimbra has an academic historic legacy and unique demographic behaviour. It is also known for its lively academic lifestyle, and architectural classic construction. Fund Box SGPS is an investment fund committed to city downtown rehabilitation and real estate, with assets in the downtown of Coimbra. To create business awareness, in order to ride the wave of foreign and national investment in real estate, Fundbox created a variant closed fund specific for Coimbra, named Coimbra Viva, which means Alive Coimbra.
The naming was the starting point of the creativity behind the communication developed and applied. To best mirror what the rehabilitation would bring to the city, we came up with modern based brand, flexible, adaptive and strategically centred to the styles and behaviour of the life within the culture of the city and its citizens, cultural tourists, educational and academic migrants, business and real estate investors.
The vigour of the colour scheme plus the iconography developed, gave the brand application flexibility and scope, that allowed for coherence on the collaterals, stationary, digital and out of home presence. Messaging was also considered with the tagline, Cria. Muda. Avança. Which means Create, Change, Step Forward. Accordingly to the fund purpose of rehabilitation not only of the downtown real estate, but also of the cultural shift that it provokes.
The work caught international attention as well as national.
• 25th Communication Awards 2019, SILVER
• Lusófonos da Criatividade 2018, BRONZE